You can be assured that any personal information we gather from you such as your name, phone number, mailing address as well as your email address, financial account and your address for correspondence, will only use to fulfill the purchase. We will not sell, rent or share the information you provide to us with any other person. Only when you require clarification or have concerns regarding your orders or purchases or purchases, can your personal information such as your email address and phone number be used. You also have the right to filter or limit the personal information on our accounts database that you feel is acceptable to your at any time via the \”My Account\” page.

What kind of information are we collecting?

You give us details when you register on our website, make a purchase, participate in an event or sweepstakes as well as reply to emails or other communication.

We might request your email address, name as well as postal address, telephone number, information about credit cards, or any other personal information when you purchase or sign-up. However, our site is accessible anonymously.

How do we use your information?

We could use the information that we obtain from you when you register for a purchase, buy products, take part in an event or contest or respond to a survey or other marketing communications, browse the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:

To personalize your site experience and allow us to provide the kind of products and content that you\’re most at.

Let us be more responsive to customer service inquiries.

To quickly process your transactions.

You can run on a web page a feature, for example, a poll competition or even a promotion.

How do we protect visitor information?

The security protocols we employ are designed to safeguard your privacy. Your personal information is stored in secure networks, which are accessible only to a select few people with access privileges. Additionally, they must keep the information confidential. If you make a purchase or input your personal information We offer the use of our secure servers. Secure Socket Layers (SSL) are used to send sensitive information, for example, credit card numbers. The data is then encoded before being transferred into our database.

Changes to Our Policy

We\’ll update this page when we update our privacy policy. Changes to the policy only apply to data collected following the date on which the policy was changed.

Feedback and questions

Comments, questions and privacy issues are always welcomed. You can send us feedback about privacy issues as well as other issues.

The consent of the user is required

You are agreeing to the privacy policies by using this site.